CARE Team (Campus Advocacy Response Team)


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Paul Smith’s College Coordinated Community Response Team

The CARE Team is a team that involves stakeholders within faculty and staff, external partners and students that are all brought together by the mission to reduce sexual violence and create a safer campus for students, staff, faculty, and visitors. It is essential that we work to reach marginalized communities and take into account the extra barriers those communities may face in accessing help, healing, support, and safety.

CARE Purpose

Sexual violence is a community issue so we will create a holistic, community response
The group will be the institutional center of expertise related to sexual violence

CARE Team Mission, Vision, & Values

Eliminate sexual misconduct at Paul Smith’s College.

To create a holistic and sustainable prevention and response model to reduce sexual assault, intimate partner violence, and stalking at Paul Smith’s College.

Trauma informed
Culturally competent
Evidence informed
Open Minded

Care Team Structure

Chair: Nicola Smith; Co-chair: Bella Abbadessa; Minutes: Bre-Ann Flouton Johnson

Per diem subcommittees
Speakers and Specialized Programs (lead by Amy Belair)
CARE Related Employee Compliance (lead by Gwen Goodman)
Capital Improvements (lead by Holly Parker)

Monthly meetings for an hour and a half


Contact »

Nicola Smith
Coordinator of CARE
Phelps Smith Administration Building, 011
Paul Smith’s College
Paul Smiths, NY 12970
(518) 327-6263

Black Lives Matter